This one is going to be short because I am unfortunately just now getting to logging this and I don’t remember every detail… it’s 3 weeks later though I’m dating for the date of the training.
So today was quite a victory with Astar! We made some good progress with getting him to just want to be with us.
Jen brought her horse, Tres in with her and played a gentle catching game with him. Tres and Astar got along beautifully. Tres was a perfect match for Astar really helping him through some stuff.
The exercise started: I walked around IN the pen and Jen rode Tres on the OUTSIDE of the pen. The idea was simply to get Astar to stick with us. He finally did…. after running around for quite some time. At one point we switched and I came on the outside and she came in the pen with Tres.
One of our goals was to be able to walk with him, my hand on his withers / for him to stick with us — when we first went in the round pen with him he was not at all interested… and after 2-1/2 hours and help from Tres — we got it! At first, once I was able to walk with him with my hand on him, I set a goal in my head of being able to walk 1 whole time around — and then we just kept on walking and I stopped counting. It was beautiful!
Thank you Jen!!
I wish I had video!
It’s official – we’ve gotten our offer accepted on the house we were looking to purchase so we have decided to put our 5 acre farm up for sale. Click here for description and photo. If anyone has a friend, family member, colleague, acquantance that might be interested, please forward the link to the page!
Today was an interesting day… full of challenges and this is now my 2nd post in 1 day. That is a record for me! We rescheduled Astar’s training for this afternoon and meanwhile, I had challenge after challenge. Some I was able to tackle and some still have the jury out on them.
So then came Astar — we ARE making progress and Jen assures me that we’re doing great. I don’t feel so great. She must have sensed that I might have felt a little discouraged today because she told me several times “don’t be discouraged… we are making progress…”
We attempted putting the halter on and you could see the panic set in. We almost had it, but I got all tangled up in the strings of the halter, fumbled around and never made it over his nose. He decided it wasn’t for him. Since he decided he was going to be upset about it, we made him work by applying more pressure. By that I mean, we made him trot around in circles [for those of you who do not know, the round pen is the circle I speak of] – if he is going to not be with us then he’s going to work. The idea is that the pleasant, nice, calm place to be us with us and the place he has to work is when he’s not with us…. the idea is to teach him we’re cool to hang out with. You get the idea.
Well, he had made up his mind that he was upset for most of the time so he worked. He also decided that his left side was not where he wanted us — that’s his left confident side. Finally after about an hour or so (I don’t really know b/c I don’t have a watch) he finally changed his mind and decided to no longer be upset. We never got the halter on which kind of discouraged me, but Jen reminded me that everything we’re doing is still progress and that we’re teaching him every step of the way that being with people is a good thing. We ended with hanging out by the rail eating cookies – after he relaxed and made the decision to be with us.
That’s pretty much where we left it… on a good note.
My homework is to work on building his confidence on his left side and keep working with getting the halter on his face. I know we’re going to get there. I just have to be patient.
Thank you Jen for continuing to encourage me — you are wonderful!
Life has this way of tossing us challenges, whether we ask for them or not. Whether you’re an artist, an engineer, a programmer or even a stay at home mom – someone always comes along to push us towards being better at our profession, and proving that we can do whatever it is that they are asking of us. The times when we fall short are when we are NOT given the honest, sometimes harsh feedback that says “do it better”. The times I excel is when I am challenged to do a better job or be a better artist or person in general.
When I was in 12th grade, I had an english teacher that everyone, including me, thought was the hardest teacher in school…. and she was for a reason. Read the rest of this entry »